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Burnout Syndrome And The Piercer Profession


Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Reaching your limit, working until your limit, thinking you're going to explode with so many obligations: BEWARE! Overwork is not poetic, overwork is bad for your mental health.

In addition to stress, anxiety and depression, overwork can generate Burnout Syndrome.

Burnout is an anxiety disorder with an exclusively work context, that is, the cause of stress is the relationship with work”, defines psychologist Ana Paula Tognotti. Daniele Nazari adds: “The symptoms start to interfere in all areas of our life. It's like a feeling of extreme tiredness, lack of energy and motivation to carry out daily tasks.”

The syndrome is especially manifested in people whose profession requires direct and intense interpersonal involvement. Also in those professionals who deal with extremely precise procedures and who demand caution and care.

Burnout appears more frequently in people with overloaded schedules, constant pressure and in individuals with perfectionist behavior in relation to work.

Sounds like a perfect recipe for us Professional Piercers. Stock, schedule, relationship with clients, workshops, biosafety, congresses, responsibility, technique, safety... The tasks of the profession form an endless list.

In addition, the self-demand and idealization of never failing puts even more pressure on top of this huge list.

Hence the importance of this alert: mental health is as important as physical health!

The symptoms of the syndrome consist of:

●Constant feeling of negativity

●Physical and mental fatigue

●Lack of will and motivation

●Difficulty concentrating

●Lack of energy

●Feeling of incompetence

●Change of habits and tastes

●Setting aside and prioritizing another or work

●Sudden mood swings

● Isolation

●Symptoms of depression and anxiety

The diagnosis of Burnout is basically clinical and takes into account the patient's history and their involvement and personal fulfillment at work, in addition to the analysis of the complaint and symptoms presented.

Regular physical activities, relaxation exercises, leisure time, good nutrition and a search for quality of life are highly recommended by doctors and psychologists to help prevent the onset of the syndrome.

The treatment of Burnout is very similar to that of other mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, and includes the use of psychotherapy and, when necessary, antidepressants.

As seen, the Piercer profession has several of the factors that can trigger Burnout Syndrome. So, be aware of your relationship with work, understand yourself in your daily life, practice self-knowledge, don't cover yourself or seek perfection, try to live with quality of life and allow yourself to take a break, when necessary. Do not hesitate to seek help if you feel it is necessary. Mental health is serious business.

The opinion of the columnist is not necessarily an opinion of Coletivo Sala Solidária.


Lu Rabello (Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Psychologist andBody Piercer at Ao Cubo.

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